7 Things You Should Know About Fence Warranties
If you’re in the market for a new fence, and price is not your only priority, you’re probably looking for a fence company that offers a good warranty on their products and services.
However, while a good fence warranty can give you peace of mind, it’s not a limitless document. There are a few things you need to know about fence warranties before you decide what to buy and who to hire.
1. You Might Get Two or More Fence Warranties
If you have a complex project that includes fencing, gates and gate automation, among other things, you can expect to get at least two fence warranties and possibly more.
Most fence contractors will warranty their workmanship and any products or materials they supply and install, but they don’t cover materials manufactured by third parties. This means you might also get a manufacturer’s warranty on the fence material, gates and gate automation equipment if you have it.
This is important because if you ever need to use your warranty, you need to contact the correct people. Your installer can’t replace the fence material, and the fence manufacturer won’t be able to do anything if the installation was not done correctly.
2. Fence Warranties Usually Aren’t Transferrable
Fence warranties usually aren’t transferrable, which means that they can only be used by the original purchaser of the fence. This is very much the same as buying something from a store, like a new TV. While you will be covered by the store and manufacturer’s warranty, if you sell the TV to someone else, they won’t be.
Many companies will also require an invoice or a copy of your completed written warranty in order to make a claim, so be sure to keep those documents somewhere safe!
3. There Are Exclusions
The next thing you need to know about your fence warranty is that there are always exclusions.
In some cases, this might relate to something physical, like proximity to the ocean. Certain corrosion warranties are reduced or voided if you install a particular material within a predetermined distance of the ocean. Other exclusions might be any materials that were modified on-site or something else.
As always, the large print giveth and the fine print taketh away, so read the whole warranty!
4. They Don’t Cover Malicious or Accidental Damage
Fence warranties are designed to protect customers against latent defects in materials and workmanship – but they don’t protect you if your fence is damaged by accident or maliciously.
In other words, if someone drives their car into your fence, gate or gate operator, the installer and manufacturer will not repair the damage free of charge. In fact, if you call someone out to your site to review a warranty repair that turns out to be accidental or malicious damage, you will probably be charged for the call out too.
5. Fence Warranty Periods Vary Greatly
There’s no such thing as a standard fence warranty, and it’s always up to the issuer of the warranty to decide how long they will warrant their product or service for.
Many contractors offer a 12-month warranty on workmanship, while some fence manufacturers offer warranties of up to 25 years or even more.
Don’t let long warranties be the only deciding factor, though. You can only use a warranty if the company who issued it is still around, so sometimes companies offering cheaper, lower quality products offer long warranties without ever expecting to honor them. Make sure you also investigate the company and their reputation!
6. You Can’t Use a Fence Warranty Until the Fence Is Paid for In Full
Most fence companies will start the warranty period on your fence as soon as it’s substantially completed. However, they will not offer any services covered by the warranty until the fence is paid for in full.
This helps to ensure that customers pay promptly and gives you some recourse as soon as possible after the fence is completed.
7. Get a Written Copy
If you are offered a fence warranty, make sure you get a physical copy of it with your project information, the date it became active and the duration, as well as all the terms of the warranty included.
Sometimes, companies change their warranty policies over time, and you want to be sure that you get everything you were promised when your specific warranty was issued.
Good to Have, But Not Bullet Proof
When you get right down to it, a fence warranty is a good thing to have, and it does give you some protection if your fence doesn’t perform as promised.
However, there are many things that could limit the coverage your warranty provides, including your own instructions and specifications. Contractors and material suppliers can’t be held liable for any failure that is a result of your choices, so make sure you always defer to them when designing your fence system.