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How to Paint Aluminum Fence

How to Paint Aluminum Fence

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If you’ve got an aluminum fence that is still in good condition but has paint or another coating that is past its prime, you might want to paint it. Or you might simply want another color on your aluminum fence.

The good news is that, like most metal fences, you can paint aluminum fences. Let’s take a closer look at how.

Why Is It So Hard to Find Fence Repair Near Me? (And What You Can Do!)

Why Is It So Hard to Find Fence Repair Near Me? (And What You Can Do!)

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If you’ve got a fence that’s past its prime, there’s a good chance you’ve been searching the internet for phrases like fence repair near me.

However, while you might find a few companies in the search results, chances are when you call them for a quote, they’re not able to help. So why is it so hard to find fence repair near me, and what can you do to get your fence fixed? Let’s take a closer look.

Are Aluminum Fences Conductive?

Are Aluminum Fences Conductive?

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Most people know that steel fences are conductive, but the same can’t be said for other metals.

This means that if you are considering installing an aluminum fence, you might very well be wondering if your new fence will be conductive and, if so, what you can do. Read on to find out!

Can You Weld an Aluminum Fence?

Can You Weld an Aluminum Fence?

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Very often, when you’re installing any kind of fence, you will run into situations where you need to modify your fence or gates or both.

Since many on-site modifications often require welding, it’s not uncommon to ask the question, “Can you weld aluminum fence?” Here’s what you need to know.

6 Surprising Ways to Use Temporary Fence Panels

6 Surprising Ways to Use Temporary Fence Panels

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If you’re scouring the web for temporary fence panels for sale, you probably already have a job site or event you want to secure. Those are some of the most common ways that temporary fence panels are used.

However, there are a few surprising ways to use temporary fence panels that you might not have thought of. Here are a few ideas to use this fast and affordable type of fence.

What Can We Do About Rust on a Chain Link Fence?

What Can We Do About Rust on a Chain Link Fence?

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Chain link fence is one of the most popular fence choices in the world. People love it because it’s cost-effective and durable.

However, even durable fence types like chain link will eventually start showing signs of age and that usually includes rust. Here’s what we can do about rust on a chain link fence and when you might need to think about replacing rather than repairing.

How to Cut a Metal Fence Panel

How to Cut a Metal Fence Panel

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Metal panel fences like bar fences, ornamental fences, and palisade fences look great, but they are often a little trickier to install than other types of fences.

One reason for this is that they have a fixed width, and most fence lines don’t conveniently require exact full panels, so you will probably need to make a few cuts to make your fence panels fit properly. Let’s take a closer look at how to cut a metal fence panel correctly.

How to Paint Fence Panels with Concrete Posts

How to Paint Fence Panels with Concrete Posts

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concrete fence posts are becoming much more popular in many parts of the world. They’re strong and relatively heavy, so they make for a sturdy fence and provided any steel reinforcing wire is well covered, they won’t rust or corrode.

Many concrete fence posts are used with other materials, particularly H or I-beam style concrete fence posts, which often have panels or fence boards slipped into the indentation on the side of each post. However, that does raise the question of how to paint fence panels with concrete posts. Here are a few options.

7 Top Tips When You’re Searching for Fence Repair Near Me

7 Top Tips When You’re Searching for Fence Repair Near Me

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Life happens. Sometimes, life happens to your fence. Maybe someone backed into your fence. Maybe it’s just getting older, and it needs to be tightened up a little.

Whatever your reason for searching for fence repair near me, we’ve got some great tips for you.

How to Use Fencing Pliers

How to Use Fencing Pliers

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If you’re wondering how to use fencing pliers, you might be surprised to discover that there is more than one type of pliers that are frequently used in the fence world.

Different countries and regions also use slightly different types of fencing pliers in slightly different ways because they install their fences a little differently. So, to answer the question of how to use fencing pliers, let’s take a closer look at some of the more common types of pliers used in fencing and how they are used by fence installers.

How to Stain a Fence Step by Step

How to Stain a Fence Step by Step

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It’s that time of year again. You’re sitting in your backyard, enjoying a cold drink, when suddenly you realize that your fence has seen better days.

It’s not that it’s broken. It’s more that it looks… tired. Staining your fence is a quick and easy way to refresh it and extend its life. Here’s what you need to know.

How Deep Can a Pond Be Without a Fence?

How Deep Can a Pond Be Without a Fence?

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Whether you’re considering building a koi pond, wondering whether you need to fence your wading pool or something else, if you’re wondering how deep a pond can be without a fence, you’re in the right place.

While we can’t give you site-specific information (because we don’t know where you live!), we can tell you why a fence might be necessary and whom you can ask for more information.

What Kind of Fence Company Do You Need, and How to Find Them Online

What Kind of Fence Company Do You Need, and How to Find Them Online

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When you first start looking for a fence company to install your fence, you might think it’s fairly simple. Search online, contact a few, get some quotes, and you’re good.

However, there are actually many different types of fence company, so you might want to add some info to that “fence company near me” search string! Here’s what you need to know and how to choose the right fence company for your project.

Ranch Style Fence: A Guide

Ranch Style Fence: A Guide

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If you’re looking for a classic fence style for an agricultural property or one that you don’t need a security fence or effective barrier for, and you want a rustic style, ranch style fence should be near the top of your short-listed options.

Ranch-style fence has been around for a very long time, and there’s nothing that comes close in terms of a classic fence for ranch-style properties! Whether you have horses or other kinds of large livestock, or you just want to demarcate your property line with something a little different, this is a great choice.

Can You Paint Chain Link Fence?

Can You Paint Chain Link Fence?

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If you’ve got a plain galvanized chain link fence and you’re wondering if you can give it a facelift without replacing it, you might be wondering if you can paint chain link fence.

The good news is that you can paint chain-link fence. The not-so-good news is that it’s not always simple or recommended. Here’s what you need to know.

Tools for Chain Link Fence Installation – What You Will Need

Tools for Chain Link Fence Installation – What You Will Need

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Some people (particularly those who are fairly handy) wonder if they can install their own chain link fence. The good news, it is possible to DIY your new chain link fence. However, you will need a fair amount of tools for chain link fence installation.

Some of these tools might already be in your garage or shed. Others you might be able to rent. But some you will have to buy for your chain link fence project. Be sure to price out the tools for chain link fence installation you don’t have and factor them into your cost calculations.

Can You Buy Second-Hand Fence Materials?

Can You Buy Second-Hand Fence Materials?

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There’s no denying that life has got pretty expensive lately! We’re all trying to save a buck wherever we can, and if you’re looking to install or repair a fence, you might be wondering if you can do that by buying second-hand fence materials.

Let’s take a closer look at what kind of second-hand fence materials you might be able to find and where you should look if you’re in the market for used fencing materials.

Can Alligators Climb Fences?

Can Alligators Climb Fences?

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It’s a question you never imagined you’d be asking. However, if you live in the southeastern part of the United States or somewhere else where one of the many species of alligators live, you might well find yourself asking, “can alligators climb fences?”

We like to think that when we put up a fence, our property is secure. But just how secure is it from alligators? Let’s find out.

What Is Theoretical Mass, and How Is It Used in the Fence Industry?

What Is Theoretical Mass, and How Is It Used in the Fence Industry?

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When you first start to explore the wonderful world of metal fences, you’re going to run into some new terms, and one of them is likely to be theoretical mass.

You will see this in metal catalogs, usually listed as kilograms per meter or pounds per foot. Here’s what this means and how it’s used in the fence world.

What Do You Do When Someone Drives Into Your Fence?

What Do You Do When Someone Drives Into Your Fence?

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It’s not something anyone looks forward to, but it happens more often than you think. People drive into fences all the time. Sometimes it’s the perimeter fence at a commercial property that they just didn’t see. Sometimes, they slide on some ice and can’t stop before your fence.

Whatever the reason for this kind of accident, it leaves anyone wondering what you do when someone drives into your fence! Here’s what you need to know.

How to Tell If You Need a New Chain Link Fence

How to Tell If You Need a New Chain Link Fence

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If your chain link fence is looking a little shabby, it can be hard to tell if it needs to be replaced or if you can simply repair it and save some money.

A good chain link fence company near you should be able to tell you what they recommend, but there are a few clear warning signs that your fence is beyond repair. Here’s what you need to know.