How to Install Fences on Uneven Ground

How to Install Fences on Uneven Ground

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In a perfect world, every fence line would be perfectly level, the soil will always be perfect for excavations, and it would always be a sunny day when you install your fence.

Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, and every fence project comes with some challenges. Let’s take a closer look at how to install fences on uneven ground and what your options are.

Most Sites Aren’t Even

The first thing you need to know about how to install fences on uneven ground is that most sites aren’t completely even. It’s very common to have some kind of gradual slopes, even on sites that have been graded or landscaped.

However, when it comes to fencing – like most kinds of construction – it’s the gradient of the slope that matters.

A gradual slope won’t affect your fence installation too much. But once you start getting into steeper slopes, the effects on your fence will be much more pronounced.

This is one of the reasons why you ALWAYS need a site visit before you get a quote. This way, your potential fence installers can assess your site and make allowance for challenges like slopes in their pricing.

Options for Installing Fences On Uneven Ground

The good news is that there are several options for installing fences on uneven ground. You can choose one approach for your whole site, or if you have different areas where you have different needs, you can specify different approaches for different areas.

Sometimes, when there’s a gully or drainage channel, for instance, you might want to keep the top of the fence level and install separate panels below, but on other sides of your site, you might want to follow the ground.

You can see more detailed information in the downloadable graphic we’ve created on this page.

Ask Your Fence Contractor

If you’re not sure which options will work best for your fence and project, the best advice is always to ask your fence contractor.

Very often, customers don’t raise these kinds of issues during the quote stage, and fence companies don’t know what their priorities and needs are. This means that when it’s time for the installation, they might not do what you would prefer, and that results in all kinds of problems and probably additional costs.

Always discuss all of your preferences for your fence installation before your fence company offers a quote and definitely before they start work. Once materials are ordered, it’s harder and more expensive to switch to longer posts, for instance, or to have narrower panels where you want the fence stepped.

If you’re not sure which solution will work for you, think about your security needs as well as the appearance of the fence. If you can tell your fence company what matters to you, they can help you to make the right choices for your project.

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