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Ornamental Fence Material Calculator

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Ornamental fence is a popular fence choice for projects that need a little more style. This type of metal fence is elegant and simple, but also ideal for projects where harder to climb fences are required.

The ornamental fence material calculator below will help you to calculate how much fence material you need for your project.

Note that no slopes or gradients are accounted for.

Ornamental Fence Material Calculator

Enter your fence information below to calculate how many ornamental fence panels, posts and brackets you will need for your job.

You must enter at least one fence line length to use this calculator, and please ensure that whatever measurement you use for the panel width (feet or meters), you use the same for your fence lines.

You can use feet or meters for your dimensions, but you must use the same unit throughout. Enter dimensions in numbers only!


 Enter your email address (required)  

 Enter your ornamental fence panel width (required)

 Number of horizontal rails on your fence panels (required)   
 Number of end posts (required)  
 Number of corner posts  


Fence Lines

Enter a numerical value for each fence line length only - you do not need to include a unit of measure. You must enter a number in the first fence line length to use the calculator, but the other lines are all optional.

 Line 1      Line 2    
 Line 3      Line 4    
 Line 5      Line 6    
 Line 7      Line 8    
 Line 9      Line 10