What Is a Removable Fence Panel?
Usually, when you want to create an opening in a fence, adding a gate is the simplest option. However, sometimes, you only need very occasional access to a site, or you only need a larger opening very occasionally.
There might be equipment you need to have access to, like a substation site, or you might have another reason for considering a removable fence panel. The good news is that removable fence panels (also known as demountable fence panels) do exist, and here’s what you need to know.
What Is a Removable Fence Panel?
A removable fence panel is a section of fence – often the standard space between line posts or intermediate posts. It is designed to be removable when needed and is usually locked or bolted in place.
What Are Removable Fence Panels Used for?
Sometimes, you need a larger opening in your fence, but you will only need to use it very occasionally. A gate might not make sense in that case, and that might be the ideal situation to consider a removable fence panel.
Some common reasons why removable panels are used is if you occasionally need deliveries made by heavy vehicles, to access equipment, or to provide access to emergency services if they are required.
How Are Removable Fence Panels Made?
Removable fence panels are a little different from an ordinary section of fence. You will usually need to have terminal or end posts on either side of the removable panel, so that you can properly terminate the sections of fence adjacent to the removable panel.
The removable fence panel itself usually looks like a gate panel, without hinges or latches, and it can be attached to the fence posts using a variety of fittings that are either bolted or padlocked together.
Can You Create a Double Removable Panel?
Yes, if you need to have a double-width removable panel, you could have two removable fence panels next to each other, and a removable fence post in the center of the two fence panel sections.
Can You Buy Removable Panels Off the Shelf?
Usually, removable fence panels are custom manufactured for the site they will be used on, because this is not typically an off-the-shelf item.
However, if you can purchase premanufactured gate panels and fittings for them, it is possible to assemble a removable fence panel with commercially available products and fittings.
How Much Does a Removable Fence Panel Cost?
Because fences need to terminate both sides of a removable fence panel, and because they are very similar to a gate panel, you can expect the cost of a removable panel to be similar to what you might pay for a gate.
Where Can You Get a Removable Fence Panel?
If you need a removable fence panel or panels for a fence project you’re working on, the contractor doing the installation is the best source of information. They should be able to provide a specification for the fence panel you need and an estimate of the costs.
Are Removable Fence Panels Less Secure?
The nature of removable fence panels and their use means that they are often required for higher security commercial and industrial fence projects. Those projects usually have higher security needs, which means you might be wondering if they are less secure.
Like every fence, the answer to this question really depends on the design of the panel, and how they are installed. So if security is a priority, be sure to mention that to your fence contractor or supplier.