Why Is It So Hard to Find Fence Repair Near Me? (And What You Can Do!)

Why Is It So Hard to Find Fence Repair Near Me? (And What You Can Do!)

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If you’ve got a fence that’s past its prime, there’s a good chance you’ve been searching the internet for phrases like fence repair near me.

However, while you might find a few companies in the search results, chances are when you call them for a quote, they’re not able to help. So why is it so hard to find fence repair near me, and what can you do to get your fence fixed? Let’s take a closer look.

Why Do People Search for Fence Repair Near Me?

The first thing we need to look at when we’re considering why it’s so hard to find fence repairs in many areas is why many people are searching for this service.

The simple fact is that new fences can cost many thousands of dollars, and sometimes, you don’t have that in the budget. If your fence only has a few damaged areas or is salvageable without replacement, it’s only natural that you might want to cut those costs.

Fence repairs could extend the lifespan of your fence by a few years, which would give you time to save up for a new fence.

Or, you might have had some kind of damage to your fence. Whether it’s a car backing into a fence post or a tree branch falling on your fence, there are many things that could damage only one part of your fence while the rest is completely fine.

Whatever your reasons for searching for fence repairs near you, the truth is that it’s often harder than you think to find a fence repair company.

Why Is It Harder to Find a Fence Repair Company?

While it’s usually quite easy to find a list of companies that install new fences in your area, it can be a lot more difficult to find companies that will repair your existing fence. There are several reasons for this. Let’s take a closer look.

They Don’t Do That Kind of Fence

If you’re not in the fence business, one fence probably looks much like another fence. However, most fence companies are specialists rather than generalists.

So, for example, fence companies that specialize in residential chain link fences won’t quote on wood fence jobs, and commercial fence companies won’t quote on residential fence projects.

You need to find a fence company that does the kind of fence you want to repair, and even then, they might not offer a repair service.

They Don’t Carry That Product

Another common reason why fence companies won’t quote on a particular type of fence repair project is that they don’t carry the type of material you need.

This is especially true if you only need one or two panels of a vinyl or ornamental fence repaired. If the fence companies you’re contacting don’t carry that product, if it’s discontinued, or if the manufacturer has exclusive supply deals, you might struggle to get a company to do your fence repair for you.

Their Price Won’t Be Competitive

Probably the number one reason why people struggle to find a fence repair company near me is that often; it’s just not economically feasible for fence companies to quote these kinds of jobs.

Many fence companies have minimum labor charges, which might be hundreds of dollars or even more than a thousand dollars.

Even if your fence repair only takes a couple of hours, they have to charge those fees because they need to cover the cost of loading a vehicle with materials, tools, and equipment, driving your site, removing the damaged fence, and driving back to their yard or office.

Even a small job can take up most of the day for a fence crew, and fence companies have to charge for that time. That’s why many of them just don’t quote on very small fence repair jobs.

Is Your Fence Repairable?

After you’ve contacted a few companies about possibly repairing your fence, and especially if they have done a site visit and inspected your damaged fence, take a closer look at their assessment and communications.

Sometimes, fences just aren’t repairable. This often happens because your posts or other parts of the fence are rusted or rotted, and even if you were to replace some parts of the fence, it might just not be possible to repair your fence with what you have left.

If your fence is too badly damaged to be repaired or just too old and degraded, you won’t be able to find any reputable fence companies who will give you a price for the repair.

Some very old and damaged fences might even be dangerous to people or animals, so always consider not only how you will get your fence repaired but whether you should.

What Can You Do If You Are Struggling to Find Fence Repairs Near Me?

Understanding why it might be hard to find fence repairs near you is a good start, but it still doesn’t solve the problem. You still need to get your fence repaired.

Fortunately, there are a few possible solutions that might work for you.

Consider DIY Fence Repairs

If you are reasonably handy and your fence is not too complicated, it might be possible to do the fence repairs you need yourself.

Most big box hardware stores sell common fence materials, and there are also fence companies that will sell materials directly to property owners who want to do their own fence repairs.

If you do opt for this route, we recommend keeping a small amount of fence materials and parts on hand in case you need to make any further repairs.

You can even buy gate fittings and hardware, so even if your gates are affected and need repairs, it’s entirely possible to do most minor repairs yourself.

Do the Removal and Demolition Yourself

Often, the labor cost of fence repairs includes a fair amount of labor for demolition and removal of damaged fence materials from your job site.

It’s easier to take down damaged fencing than to install a new fence, so even if you’re not confident doing the repair yourself, taking down what you can and getting rid of it yourself can help to keep the cost of fence repairs down, and if the job is faster, it might be easier to find a fence company to do it for you.

Ask Local Landscapers

Sometimes, local landscape companies also do fence repairs; if your fence repair is not too complicated, they might be able to assist.

Many landscape companies also build wood fences and decks, so they might also have the materials on hand.

Try Online Classified Sites and Social  Media

Many smaller fence companies don’t have websites or don’t rank as well as their larger competitors.

Often, these companies will advertise their services on online classified sites or social media groups for your city. Some of these fence companies are also individuals who are offering private jobs on weekends and after hours, and their labor rates, overhead costs, and other fees might be significantly lower.

Difficult, But Usually Not Impossible

Finding a fence company that will repair your fence is more difficult than finding one that will quote you for a whole new fence, but it’s usually not impossible. One of the options mentioned above should get you the service you need.

Once your fence is repaired, it might be an idea to start a savings fund for a new fence, too. Most types of fence will last between 10 and 25 years, depending on where you live, and saving up before you need to replace your fence takes a lot of the financial shock out of the process!

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