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Simple Double Base Plated Removable Fence Post Design

Simple Double Base Plated Removable Fence Post Design

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If you’re looking for a removable fence post design for a site where a sleeve-based removable post design won’t work, you’ll be glad to know that there are other options.

In this design, we look at a system that uses a double base plate system and simple hex bolts and nuts to create a base-plated removable post design.

Start With a Stub

When you’re constructing a removable fence post, you always need two basic parts: something to install in or on concrete and something that attaches to it.

In this case, you will start with a section of fence post with a baseplate welded to the top of the post and hex nuts welded above the pre-drilled holes in your baseplate.

These stubs can be as long as necessary to provide a stable base for your removable fence post, and they are installed in concrete bases as you would an ordinary fence post, with the base plate “floating” on the surface of the concrete.

Add a Corresponding Base Plated Post

The next part of this very simple removable fence post design is the post, and in this case, you will use the exact same size and design of pre-drilled fence baseplate as you have on your concrete embedded post stubs.

In this case, there are no hex nuts welded to the baseplate.

Bolt in Place

The final step in constructing this very simple double base-plated removable fence post is to bolt the post to the stub, which can be done using ordinary hex bolts. These will go through the holes in the top baseplate and be threaded into the hex nuts welded to the top of the post stub baseplate.

If you need to, you can also use a second nut as a spacer or add washers between the hex head bolt and the baseplates to get the right spacing.

Benefits of This Double Base Plated Removable Fence Post Design

You might be wondering what the benefits of this kind of double base-plated removable fence post design are.

Firstly, because there’s nowhere for water to get trapped and damage the post or the post stub, it can be used in colder climates where freezing is common in the winter.

Secondly, because this design uses welded-in-place hex nuts instead of bolts or threaded rods sticking out of the concrete, you can drive over this double base-plated removable post design without risking your tires.

It’s also a very simple, easy-to-create system that uses readily available fence materials.

Of course, like everything in the fence world, this is just one of many removable fence post-design ideas, but if you think it can work for your site, feel free to download our design sketches and modify them as needed.

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