Hinge knot fence

Hinge knot fence

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Hinge knot fence is one of many types of wire mesh product that is made for farm fencing.

This type of agricultural mesh has a hinged joint that is formed when vertical wires are wrapped around horizontal wires, which effectively acts as a hinge and allows some bending and movement in the mesh.

Hinge knot fence is most often used as farm fence, for containing different types of livestock, and it is also a cost effective and easy to install fence option for crops, vegetable gardens and similar.

Hinge knot fence is usually not very tall, with most options being four foot tall or less. It's also got graduated horizontal wire spacing, so there are smaller openings at the bottom of the fence and larger ones nearer the top.

Hinge joint farm fence is usually made from galvanized high tensile wire, so it's very strong and durable.