Does Chain Link Fence Decrease Property Value?

Does Chain Link Fence Decrease Property Value?

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When you are a property owner, you generally want to make choices that will increase the value of your property, should you want to sell one day.

Because of that, it’s not uncommon to wonder: does chain link fence decrease property value? Here’s what you need to know.

Fully Fenced Properties Are More Valuable

The first thing you need to know about whether chain link fence decreases property value is that any property that is fully fenced will be more valuable than one that is not. That is true whether the fence is chain link or something else.

Fully fenced residential properties are ready for kids and dogs, and fully fenced commercial properties are automatically more secure. Both of those situations is better for your property value.

Chain Link Fences Allow Clear Views

In some cases, a chain link fence might add to the value of a property, such as when there is a spectacular view from the home or building. In this case, a solid fence would limit those views, and that would actually reduce the value of the property.

Not As in Demand as Privacy Fences

In some cases, chain link fence is less desirable than privacy fences like wood fence, vinyl fence or composite fence. However, there are several ways to make chain link fences more private. You could grow a creeping plant on the fence, add privacy slats, or use lattice or fabric panels.

Adding this kind of privacy to your chain link fence will increase the value of your property too.

Mix and Match Fencing

There’s no rule that says you have to have the same fencing on your whole property perimeter. In fact, many residential and commercial fence customers choose to have one kind of fence, like ornamental or wood fence, on areas that are more visible, and then a cheaper fence system like chain link fence on areas that are not.

This allows you to get the best of both worlds, without blowing too much of your budget on fencing.

Must Be in Good Condition

The final point we need to make about whether chain link fences decrease the value of a property is that they must be in good condition.

A rusty or damaged chain link fence will bring down the value of any property, just like an old, damaged roof or broken siding would. So if you want to increase the value of your property and you have a chain link fence, make sure you keep it in good condition!

Ask a Local Realtor

Of course, the advice we’ve given about whether chain link fences decrease property values is general, and it might differ from one suburb or city to another.

If you want to install a chain link fence and you’re not sure if it will add or remove value from your property, speak to a local realtor. They’ll be able to tell you exactly what is likely to happen in your specific area.

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