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Can You Increase Fence Height for Security?

Can You Increase Fence Height for Security?

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So, you’ve got a fence, and you thought it would be enough to keep unwelcome visitors out, but it’s not. You’re wondering if it’s possible to increase fence height for security.

The good news is the answer is generally yes, but there are a few things you should know.

Find Out If It’s Allowed

Before you add any height to your fence, contact the building department of your local municipality to find out of it’s allowed. Most cities and suburbs have regulations about what height your fence can be, and even if they will allow a higher fence in some situations, you might need to get a permit.

Your Fence Type Determines Your Options

The next thing you need to know is that your existing fence type determines what’s possible.

It’s usually possible to extend the posts on a chain link or similar fence and then simply install a higher mesh. However, something like an ornamental fence is much trickier.

If you have a wood fence, installing a lattice on top of the fence might be possible.

It’s often possible to increase fence height for security by installing after market extensions or extension arms on the fence and then installing barbed wire or even (if it’s allowed) fence top electric fence.

Ask a Professional

If you want to increase fence height for security and want to find out what your options are and what they will cost, it’s best to speak to a few fence companies in your area.

Ask them to come out and take a look, make recommendations and provide pricing accordingly. You will probably get a few different options this way, which will give you a choice of solutions.

If it’s just not possible to do this, a professional fence company will be able to tell you that too.

When you are doing something like this, unless it’s a large, high-security site, your best bet will probably be to contact small to mid-sized contractors in your area. Large companies have much higher overheads, so they’re likely to be a lot more expensive on a small project like this.

What If You Can’t Increase Fence Height for Security?

If you can’t increase fence height for security, either because you’re not allowed to or because local regulations don’t allow it, there are still some options that could increase your security.

One option might be to install a fence detection system, which is an electronic system that runs along the fence and monitors it for vibrations when someone climbs or tampers with it. This can be connected to an alarm system (provided you have an open channel) and will give you an early warning if someone climbs your fence.

Again, the best advice is always to speak to the professionals in your area. They’ll know what’s possible, what’s available, and what will work for your fence.