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How Much Does Vinyl Fencing Cost?

How Much Does Vinyl Fencing Cost?

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If you’re looking for privacy fencing options, there’s a good chance you’re considering vinyl fencing as one of your options.

For most people, the cost of fencing is a big factor in choosing the fence they want to install, though. So how much does vinyl fencing cost, and what else do you need to know?

Vinyl Fencing Cost Depends on the Fence Type

The first thing you need to know about vinyl fencing cost is that there are many different types of vinyl fence, and each type will cost a different amount.

Simple vinyl fence systems like vinyl ranch rail or vinyl picket fences have less material and often take less time to install so that they will cost a lot less than a vinyl privacy fence, for instance.

Fence height is another factor to consider. Choosing a common vinyl fence height like 6 foot usually means there will be fewer modifications required to install your fence. The less labor your fence company will need to use to install your fence, the cheaper it will be.

Different Fence Qualities Affect Pricing

The next thing you need to know about vinyl fencing is that there are a vast array of products out there with varying levels of quality.

Usually, lower-quality materials are cheaper to purchase, but they don’t last as long, so they won’t give you as many years of service. Always buy the best quality vinyl fence you can afford, and look for a product that comes with a long manufacturer’s warranty.

Different Colors and Finishes Affect Vinyl Fence Pricing

Another big factor in the cost of vinyl fencing is the color and finish you choose. Plain white or flat-color vinyl fence systems usually cost less than wood grain or patterned products. Two-tone vinyl fence systems might also cost a little more because they might require more labor to install. ‘

Many fence companies that specialize in vinyl also purchase common colors in bulk, while special colors and patterns might be special order items, which means they’re often more expensive and you might be paying for additional freight too.

Vinyl Fence Cost Versus Wood Fence Cost

Vinyl fences and wood fences are often top choices for backyards, residential developments, and similar, and many people want to compare the price of the two when deciding what kind of fence to choose.

While it’s understandable that this kind of comparison happens, it’s important to remember that there are both installation and lifetime costs to consider.

Vinyl fencing costs more to install – usually about 30 to 40 percent more than a comparable type of wood fence – but it will not cost you as much in maintenance, repair, and staining costs.

Many vinyl fences will also last longer than wood fences, so it will be longer before you have to spend money to replace your fence if you opt for vinyl.

How Can You Save Money on Vinyl Fence Installation?

The next big question most people have when they’re wondering how much does vinyl fence cost and weighing their fence options is how they can save money on vinyl fence installation. There are several things you can do.

  • Choose a fence layout that is as straight as possible, with fewer corners and ends. Corner and end posts always add more to fence costs, so the simpler your fence layout, the cheaper it will be.
  • If you have an existing fence or vegetation along your fence line, do your own demolition and clearing, or hire a company that specializes in this type of work. Fence installers are usually more expensive than general laborers, so doing this yourself can shave quite a bit off the bill!
  • Get a variety of quotes from fence companies of different sizes in your area. Often, newer, smaller fence companies with lower overheads will charge a little less than more established fence companies, and they’re often started by people who have been fence installers for many years, so they’re just as skilled and experienced.

Vinyl fence is not the cheapest fence option out there, but it does look great and is basically maintenance-free. So, when you’re making price inquiries and talking to fence companies, be sure to factor that into the decision.

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