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How to Calculate Wood Fence Materials

How to Calculate Wood Fence Materials

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There are many reasons why you might be trying to figure out how to calculate wood fence materials.

Maybe you’re planning to do the job yourself as a DIY project. Or maybe, you’re trying to figure out what the material costs are so that you can better evaluate a quote you’ve received.

We’ve created a few simple tools that allow you to calculate wood fence materials for a simple 6’ high privacy fence. We’ve included a drawing of the fence, as well as a spreadsheet. Here’s how it works.

How Much Does a Wood Fence Cost?

One of the most common questions anyone asks about any fence is how much it costs. It’s also one of the toughest questions to answer without seeing the site because site conditions, fence type, corners, ends and line lengths are all factors that will affect the cost of a wood fence installed at your home.

However, while the labour is always tricky to calculate because of those things, you can get a pretty good estimate of what you will need to build your fence with just a few numbers. You need to know how many ends and corners you have and what length each fence line is. Once you have those numbers, you can calculate the materials you’ll need for the job.

Our Fence Drawing

Of course, if the fence specification for your wood fence changes, the materials required will change, too, so we’ve included the drawing of the fence we’ve based this calculator on. It’s a very plain and simple 6’ high wood fence with 8’ wide panels.

Our Fence Calculator

Our wood fence material calculator spreadsheet is based on the drawing provided here. Simply enter the number of corners and ends on your fence and the length of each fence line, up to a total of 10 fence lines.

We haven’t included any concrete calculations in our sheet since this will vary based on the size of the concrete base you use, and we also have not included any gates or gate hardware on this sheet. However, it should give you a good idea of the material cost for the wood fence you’re planning.

Simply calculate your quantity list, and then contact a local lumber or hardware supplier to give you up-to-date pricing on all the items you’ll need.

Download Wood Fence Drawings and Calculator

  • Standard 6' High Wood Fence Material Calculator


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