J bolt hinges

J bolt hinges

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J bolt hinges are a popular bolt-on hinge option that is commonly used for commercial and industrial gates.

J bolt hinges can be installed directly through gate posts, using pre-drilled holes, if you live in a warmer climate where water getting into your posts won't cause trouble during the winter, when water freezes and can crack posts. Alternatively, they can be used with gate post collars, which are another large bolt-on steel fitting for gate posts that allow you to use J bolt hinges on undrilled posts.

There are many different diameters and lengths of j bolt hinges, and they have different size pins as well. They do all have a pin, though, and that pin is usually used with a corresponding gate frame hinge.

J bolt hinges have two nuts, so that they can be adjusted horizontally, which can help to ensure that your gate always hangs square and level.

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