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How to Install Vinyl Fence Posts on a Concrete Slab

How to Install Vinyl Fence Posts on a Concrete Slab

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If you love the look of vinyl fences, you’re not alone. This low-maintenance, clean, and modern-looking fence type is fast becoming one of the most popular privacy fence options out there.

However, while you might dream of a crisp white or stylish two-tone vinyl fence around your yard, if you have a concrete slab anywhere on your property or fence line, you might also be wondering how to install vinyl fence posts on a concrete slab. The good news is that there are several options.


Use a Purpose Made base plate and Flange

The first option you have to install your vinyl fence posts on a concrete slab is to use a purpose-made base plate with a flange that you can bolt in place.

These baseplates are designed to be slightly smaller than the inside of your vinyl fence post so that your posts can slip over neatly or slightly larger so that your post fits neatly inside. Screw in place and add an optional collar to finish the bottom of your post, and you’re done!

Get it on Amazon here!


Use a Base Plated Metal Post and Collars

Another great option for installing vinyl fence posts on concrete slabs is to use a base-plated round tubular post and then simply use vinyl fence post collars to ensure your post is installed straight and securely.

The benefit of using this type of metal post and collar system is that it is adjustable, and you can source custom base-plated posts to allow side mounting and other different applications.



Use Metal Post Inserts and Base Plates

Many vinyl fence manufacturers do make metal post inserts that are often used for gate posts or any post where you need a little extra strength and rigidity.

You can use those post inserts with baseplates to install vinyl fence posts on a concrete slab.

Get it on Amazon here!



Tips for Installing Vinyl Fence Posts on a Concrete Slab

If you are planning to install your vinyl fence posts on a concrete slab, there are a few tips you can use to make the process a little easier and the result a little more professional:

  • Always measure and mark the position of your posts very carefully. You want your posts to be plum and level and your fence to be perfectly aligned and even.
  • Check that the slab you’re installing your vinyl fence posts on is strong enough to support your fence. You need this to be a proper reinforced concrete slab – not precast paving stones or something similar.
  • Use the right hardware to attach your posts. Vinyl fences can catch the wind, which can put your fence under a fair amount of stress. You want to be sure you’re using the right kind of bolts and that they’re long enough to keep your fence securely attached.
  • Ask your vinyl fence manufacturer if they have any off-the-shelf options for this. There are many ways to install vinyl fence posts on a concrete slab, but using something that is purpose-made for the vinyl fence system you’re using is always a good idea.

As you can see, there are many ways to install vinyl fence posts on concrete slabs, so even if your fence line and property line have some slabs, walls, and other features, you should still be able to get the great look and durable finish of a quality vinyl privacy fence.

As always, buy the best quality materials you can afford, and if you’re not a fence pro, hire the right fence company to install it for you!

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