What Is a Palisade Fence Anti-Sag?

What Is a Palisade Fence Anti-Sag?

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If you look at the palisade fence pictured above, you’ll see that the top of the fence is a nice, even line. That’s exactly what you want any palisade fence to look like.

However, sometimes, palisade fences can sag, and the solution to that is known as an anti-sag or an anti-sag section. Here’s what that is, where it’s used, and why it’s needed.

What Is a Palisade Fence Anti-Sag?

A palisade fence anti-sag is a piece of matching palisade fence pale that is usually bolted to the bottom of the center palisade pale in any panel and then embedded in concrete to help support the fence.

Sometimes, palisade panels can also come with one pale in the center of each panel that is already longer. This often makes installation easier – especially if your anti-sag will go into a concrete curb or ground beam.

Where Are Palisade Fence Anti-Sags Used?

Palisade fence anti-sags are usually installed when you have a wider palisade panel – usually about 10 feet or 3 meters – or when you are installing a heavier-duty palisade fence. They are installed on every panel when they are used.

Why Are Palisade Fence Anti-Sags Needed?

Palisade fences come in a wide variety of specifications, but they all have some common components. These include posts, pales and horizontal rails.

The horizontal rails used for palisade fences are usually made from angle iron, which is strong but relatively lightweight. Some lower-security palisade fence systems might also use tubing or channel iron.

As strong as these horizontal rails are, they are carrying a large amount of weight since the typical 3-meter wide palisade fence panel will have about 17 pales. One option might be to add more rails to your fence, but while that does offer more support, it also means your fence is easier to climb.

An anti-sag, installed in the center of your palisade fence panel, solves the problem without compromising security. It gives your fence that little bit of extra support it needs to prevent sagging in the center of your panels, which improves the integrity of your palisade fence, and its appearance.

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