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Wood Fence Stain Calculator

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If you need to stain your wood fence, it can be tricky to figure out how much stain you will need.

This simple wood fence stain calculator will give you an estimate of how much stain you will need to cover a simple wooden fence once, using a roller or paintbrush.

If you have a more complex wood fence, you plan to apply more than one coat, or you are going to use a higher waste application method like spray-painting, remember to increase the quantity accordingly.

You will need the manufacturer's estimated coverage rate for this calculator. This can usually be found on the product can, or you can look on the manufacturer's product datasheet.

Stain Calculator

Wood Fence Stain Calculator

Enter your fence information below to calculate how much stain you will need for your wood fence.

Please complete all input fields. Note that this calculator is meant for standard wood fence designs and includes 10% waste. Different types of wood fences and different application methods like spray-painting will probably increase the amount of stain you will need. 

 Enter your email address (required)  
 Enter your fence height (in feet or meters, number only)  
 Enter your fence length (in feet or meters, number only)  
 How many sides are you staining? (Number only)  
 Unit of measure (fence dimensions - feet or meters)  
 Coverage (how much area does your stain cover per liter / gallon)  
 Unit of measure of stain (gallons or liters)