Flat back fork latch

Flat back fork latch

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Sometimes, when you're installing a chain link or another round framed gate, one or both of the gate posts won't be round steel. You might even need to latch your chain link gate onto a wood fence, building or wall.

If you do need to latch your chain link gate onto something like that, you probably need a flat back fork latch to get the job done.

Flat back fork latches, as the name suggests, attach the hinged fork latch part onto a bracket that is designed to be bolted or screwed to a wall, wood fence post or another flat surface. This means that the fork can still go up and down to open and close the gate, and there's still a hole that allows you to padlock the fork latch.

When you choose a flat back fork latch, make sure you choose the right size for your gate frame.

Buy flat back fork latches on Amazon